Source code for qecc.PauliClass

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Implementation of qecc.Pauli and related utility functions.
# © 2012 Christopher E. Granade ( and
#     Ben Criger (
# This file is a part of the QuaEC project.
# Licensed under the AGPL version 3.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


from sys import version_info
if version_info[0] == 3:
    PY3 = True
    from importlib import reload
elif version_info[0] == 2:
    PY3 = False
    raise EnvironmentError("sys.version_info refers to a version of "
        "Python neither 2 nor 3. This is not permitted. "
        "sys.version_info = {}".format(version_info))

from itertools import product, chain, permutations, combinations, starmap
if PY3:
    from itertools import filterfalse
    from itertools import ifilterfalse as filterfalse
from copy import copy
from operator import mul, and_, add

if PY3:
    from . import bsf
    from . import pred
    from .circuit import Circuit, Location
    from .paulicollections import PauliList
    from .unitary_reps import pauli_as_unitary
    from .singletons import Unspecified
    from . import  CliffordClass as cc
    from . import utils as u
    import bsf
    import pred
    from circuit import Circuit, Location
    from paulicollections import PauliList
    from unitary_reps import pauli_as_unitary
    from singletons import Unspecified
    import  CliffordClass as cc
    import utils as u

from functools import reduce

## ALL ##

__all__ = [
    'ensure_pauli', 'com', 'pauli_group', 'from_generators',
    'is_in_normalizer', 'elem_gen', 'elem_gens', 'eye_p', 'ns_mod_s',
    'pad', 'mutually_commuting_sets',

VALID_OPS = ['I', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
__all__ += VALID_OPS
VALID_PHS = list(range(4))

    ('I', 'I'): (0, 'I'), ('I', 'X'): (0, 'X'), ('I', 'Y'): (0, 'Y'), ('I', 'Z'): (0, 'Z'),
    ('X', 'I'): (0, 'X'), ('X', 'X'): (0, 'I'), ('X', 'Y'): (1, 'Z'), ('X', 'Z'): (3, 'Y'),
    ('Y', 'I'): (0, 'Y'), ('Y', 'X'): (3, 'Z'), ('Y', 'Y'): (0, 'I'), ('Y', 'Z'): (1, 'X'),
    ('Z', 'I'): (0, 'Z'), ('Z', 'X'): (1, 'Y'), ('Z', 'Y'): (3, 'X'), ('Z', 'Z'): (0, 'I')


[docs]class Pauli(object): r""" Class representing an element of the Pauli group on :math:`n` qubits. :param operator: String of I's, X's, Y's and Z's. :type operator: str :param phase: A phase input as an integer from 0 to 3, interpreted as :math:`i^{\mathrm{phase}}`. :type phase: int """ def __init__(self, operator, phase=0): # Operator is a string which contains I, X, Y, Z. We throw an error if it isn't. for one_bit_operator in operator: if one_bit_operator not in VALID_OPS: raise ValueError("Input operators I, X, Y or Z.") # Phase will be defined as an integer from 0 to 3. If it's not integral, we throw an error. if not isinstance(phase, int): raise ValueError("Input phase must be an integer, preferably 0 to 3.") #If a phase outside of range(4) is input, we use its remainder, mod 4. if not( phase > -1 and phase < 4): phase= phase % 4 self.op = operator = phase def __hash__(self): # We need a hash function to store Paulis as dict keys or in sets. return hash((self.op, def __len__(self): """ Yields the number of qubits on which the Pauli ``self`` acts. """ return len(self.op) def __mul__(self, other): """ Multiplies two Paulis, ``self`` and ``other`` symbolically, using tabulated single-Pauli multiplication. """ if not isinstance(other,Pauli): return NotImplemented p1 = self p2 = other if not(len(p1)==len(p2)): raise ValueError("These Paulis are not the same length.") #We initialize a Pauli with an empty op-string, updating the operator #and phase using a multiplication table: newP = Pauli('', + for paulicounter in range(len(p1)): ph, op = MULT_TABLE[(p1.op[paulicounter], p2.op[paulicounter])] newP.op=newP.op+op = % 4 return newP def __pow__(self,num): """ Exponentiates a Pauli ``self`` by an integer ``num``, using the fact that every element of the Pauli group squares to the identity. """ if not isinstance(num,int): raise ValueError("Paulis can only be exponentiated with integers") elif num % 2 == 0: return eye_p(len(self)) elif num % 2 == 1: return self else: raise ValueError("Unknown exponentiation error") def __repr__(self): """ Representation for Paulis, printing Paulis in the format ``i^{phase} {op}``. """ return "i^{k} {op}".format(, op=self.op) def __str__(self): """ Determines whether the Pauli ``self`` is sparse (acting as the identity on a majority of qubits as determined by :param SPARSE_THRESH:), and returns a string in one of two formats, depending on sparsity. For example: >>> import qecc as q >>> print q.Pauli('IXIZIII') i^0 X[1] Z[3] >>> import qecc as q >>> print q.Pauli('IXIZIIX') i^0 IXIZIIX Note that Paulis which do not act on more than :param SPARSE_NQ: qubits are never printed in the sparse format: >>> import qecc as q >>> print q.Pauli('IXII') i^0 IXII """ SPARSE_NQ = 5 SPARSE_THRESH = 0.3 if len(self) <= SPARSE_NQ or self.wt/len(self) > SPARSE_THRESH: return repr(self) else: return self.str_sparse() def __getitem__(self, idxs): """ Returns the representation of a Pauli ``self`` on a single qubit ``idxs``. :param idxs: Support of returned Pauli. :rtype: :class:`qecc.Pauli` """ return Pauli(self.op[idxs], ## PROPERTIES ## @property def nq(self): """ Returns the number of qubits upon which this Pauli operator acts. """ return len(self) @property def wt(self): """ Measures the weight of a given Pauli. :rtype: int (between 0 and the number of qubits on which the Pauli is defined) :returns: The number of qubits on which the represented Pauli operator is supported. """ return len([op for op in self.op if op != 'I']) ## PRINTING ##
[docs] def str_sparse(self, incl_ph=True): """ Returns a compact representation for :class:`qecc.Pauli` objects, for those having support on a small number of qubits of a large register. """ return ("i^{} ".format( if incl_ph else "") + (" ".join( "{}[{}]".format(P, idx) for idx, P in enumerate(self.op) if P != "I" ) if self.wt > 0 else "I")
## ALGEBRAIC OPERATORS ## def __neg__(self): """ Negates (multiplying by :math:`-1`) a Pauli. """ return copy(self).mul_phase(2)
[docs] def tens(self, other): r""" Concatenates the op strings of two Paulis, and multiplies their phases, to produce the Kronecker product of the two. :param other: Pauli operator :math:`Q` to be tensored with this instance. :type other: qecc.Pauli :returns: An instance representing :math:`P\otimes Q`, where :math:`P` is the Pauli operator represented by this instance. """ return Pauli(self.op + other.op, +
def __and__(self,other): """ Method implementing tensor products for :class:`qecc.Pauli` objects; see `tens`. """ if not isinstance(other, Pauli): return NotImplemented return self.tens(other) ## MUTATOR METHODS ##
[docs] def set_phase(self, ph=0): """ Returns a :class:`qecc.Pauli` object having the same operator as the input, with a specified phase (usually used to erase phases). """ = ph return self
[docs] def mul_phase(self, ph): r""" Increments the phase of this Pauli by :math:`i^{\mathrm{ph}}`. :param ph: Amount the phase is to be incremented by. :type ph: int :returns: This instance. """ = ( + ph) % 4 return self
[docs] def permute_op(self, perm): r""" Returns a new :class:`qecc.Pauli` instance whose operator part is related to the operator part of this Pauli, so that :math:`\sigma_{\mu}` is mapped to :math:`\sigma_{\pi(\mu)}` for some permutation :math:`\pi` of the objects :math:`{X, Y, Z}`. For example: >>> import qecc as q >>> P = q.Pauli('XYZXYZ') >>> print P.permute_op('ZXY') i^0 ZXYZXY Note that the result is **not** guaranteed to be the result of a Clifford operator acting on this Pauli, as permutation may not respect the phases introduced by taking products. For example: >>> import qecc as q >>> P = q.Pauli('XYZ') >>> Q = q.Pauli('YYZ') >>> P * Q i^1 ZII >>> Pp = P.permute_op('ZYX') >>> Qp = Q.permute_op('ZYX') >>> Pp * Qp i^3 XII :param list perm: A list indicating which permutation is to be performed. :return: A new instance `Q` of :class:`qecc.Pauli` that is related to this instance by a permutation of :math:`X`, :math:`Y` and :math:`Z`. """ new_operator='' for letter in self.op: if letter == 'X': new_operator += perm[0] elif letter == 'Y': new_operator += perm[1] elif letter == 'Z': new_operator += perm[2] elif letter == 'I': new_operator=new_operator+'I' return Pauli(new_operator,
## EQUALITY METHODS ## def __eq__(self,other): """ Tests if two input Paulis, :obj:`self` and :obj:`other`, are equal. :rtype: bool """ #First, make sure both objects are Paulis: if isinstance(other, Pauli): if self.op == other.op and == return True else: return False else: return False def __ne__(self, other): """ Tests if two input Paulis, :obj:`self` and :obj:`other`, are not equal. :rtype: bool """ #Check types if isinstance(other, Pauli): if self.op == other.op and == return False else: return True else: return True ## OTHER MAGIC METHODS ## def __len__(self): """ Yields the number of qubits on which the Pauli ``self`` acts. :rtype: int """ return len(self.op) ## CONVERSION METHODS ##
[docs] def as_gens(self): """ Expresses an input Pauli in terms of the elementary generators :math:`X_j` and :math:`Z_j`, stripping off phases. :rtype: list of :class:`qecc.Pauli` instances. """ nq=len(self) #Initialize generator list to an empty list: pauli_gens=[] for idx in range(nq): #Since phases are being stripped, Y = XZ: if self.op[idx]=='Y': pauli_gens.append(elem_gen(nq,idx,'X')) pauli_gens.append(elem_gen(nq,idx,'Z')) elif self.op[idx]=='X': pauli_gens.append(elem_gen(nq,idx,'X')) elif self.op[idx]=='Z': pauli_gens.append(elem_gen(nq,idx,'Z')) return pauli_gens
[docs] def as_bsv(self): """ Converts the given Pauli to a binary symplectic vector, discarding phase information. :return: A binary symplectic vector representing this Pauli operator. :rtype: BinarySymplecticVector """ nq = len(self) exes='' zeds='' for idx_q in range(nq): if self.op[idx_q]=='X': exes=exes+'1' zeds=zeds+'0' elif self.op[idx_q]=='Y': exes=exes+'1' zeds=zeds+'1' elif self.op[idx_q]=='Z': exes=exes+'0' zeds=zeds+'1' elif self.op[idx_q]=='I': exes=exes+'0' zeds=zeds+'0' return bsf.BinarySymplecticVector(exes,zeds)
[docs] def as_circuit(self): """ Transforms an n-qubit Pauli to a serial circuit on n qubits. Neglects global phases. :rtype: :class:`qecc.Circuit` """ gatelist=[] for idx, letter in enumerate(self.op): if letter != "I": gatelist.append((letter,idx)) return Circuit(*gatelist)
[docs] def as_unitary(self): """ Returns a :class:`numpy.ndarray` containing a unitary matrix representation of this Pauli operator. Raises a :obj:`RuntimeError` if NumPy cannot be imported. """ return pauli_as_unitary(self)
[docs] def as_clifford(self): """ Converts a Pauli into a Clifford which changes the signs of input Paulis. :returns: A Clifford representing conjugation by this Pauli operator. :rtype: :class:`qecc.Clifford` """ Xs, Zs = elem_gens(len(self)) for P in chain(Xs, Zs): if com(self, P) == 1: P.mul_phase(2) return cc.Clifford(Xs, Zs)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_sparse(sparse_pauli, nq=None): """ Given a dictionary from non-negative integers to single-qubit Pauli operators or strings representing single-qubit Pauli operators, creates a new instance of :class:`qecc.Pauli` representing the input. >>> from qecc import Pauli, X, Y, Z >>> print Pauli.from_sparse({3: X, 5: X, 7: Z}, nq=12) i^0 X[3] X[5] Z[7] :param dict sparse_pauli: Dictionary from qubit indices (non-negative integers) to single-qubit Pauli operators or to strings. :param int nq: If not ``None``, specifies the number of qubits on which the newly created Pauli operator is to act. """ if nq is None: nq = max(sparse_pauli.keys()) return reduce(and_, ( ensure_pauli(sparse_pauli[idx]) if idx in sparse_pauli else I for idx in range(nq) ))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_clifford(cliff_in): """ Tests an input Clifford ``cliff_in`` to determine if it is, in fact, a Pauli. If so, it outputs the Pauli. If not, it raises an error. :arg cliff_in: Representation of Clifford operator to be converted, if possible. :rtype: :class:`qecc.Pauli` Example: >>> import qecc as q >>> cliff = q.Clifford([q.Pauli('XI',2),q.Pauli('IX')], map(q.Pauli,['ZI','IZ'])) >>> q.Pauli.from_clifford(cliff) i^0 ZI Converting a Pauli into a Clifford and back again will erase the phase: >>> import qecc as q >>> paul = q.Pauli('YZ',3) >>> cliff = paul.as_clifford() >>> q.Pauli.from_clifford(cliff) i^0 YZ """ nq=len(cliff_in.xout) #Determine number of qubits. test_ex,test_zed=elem_gens(nq) #Get paulis to compare. """If the Paulis input to the Clifford are only altered in phase, then the Clifford is also a Pauli.""" for ex_clif,zed_clif,ex_test,zed_test in zip(cliff_in.xout, cliff_in.zout,test_ex,test_zed): if ex_clif.op != ex_test.op or zed_clif.op != zed_test.op: raise ValueError("Clifford is not Pauli.") #If the Clifford is Pauli, determine which by examining operators with altered phases. exact=eye_p(nq) zedact=eye_p(nq) #Initialize accumulators """If a negative sign appears on a given generator, assign a Pauli to that qubit that conjugates the generator to a minus sign, e.g. ZXZ = -X """ for idx_x in range(nq): if cliff_in.xout[idx_x].ph==2: exact.op = cc.replace_one_character(exact.op, idx_x, 'Z') for idx_z in range(nq): if cliff_in.zout[idx_z].ph==2: zedact.op = cc.replace_one_character(zedact.op, idx_z, 'X') return Pauli((exact*zedact).op)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_string(bitstring, p_1): """ Creates a multi-qubit Pauli using a bitstring and a one-qubit Pauli, by replacing all instances of 1 in the bitstring with the appropriate Pauli, and replacing all instances of 0 with the identity. :param list bitstring: a list of integers, each of which is either 0 or 1. `bitstring` can also be a string, type conversion is automatic. :param str p_1: a single-qubit Pauli. :returns: a phaseless Pauli from a bitstring. The intended use of this function is as a quick means of specifying binary Paulis. p_1 is the one_qubit Pauli that a '1' represents. :rtype: :class:`qecc.Pauli` Example: >>> import qecc as q >>> bitstring = '101110111100' >>> p_1 = q.Pauli('X') >>> q.Pauli.from_string(bitstring, p_1) i^0 XIXXXIXXXXII """ p_1 = ensure_pauli(p_1) if isinstance(bitstring, str): bitstring = list(map(int, bitstring)) return reduce(and_,[(p_1.set_phase())**j for j in bitstring])
[docs] @u.deprecated("Use slice indexing and the wt property. Ex: P[0:2].wt") def reg_wt(self, region): """ Produces the number of qubits within a subset of the register on which the Pauli in question acts non-trivially. :param tuple region: a tuple containing the indices on which the weight is to be evaluated. :returns: the number of qubits in the sub-register on which the Pauli ``self`` does not act as the identity. """ wt=0 for idx in range(len(self)): if idx in region and self.op[idx]!='I': wt += 1 return wt
[docs] def cust_wt(self,char): """ Produces the number of qubits on which an input Pauli acts as a specified single-qubit Pauli. :param str char: a single-letter string containing an I, X, Y or Z. :returns: the number of qubits in the Pauli ``self`` which are acted upon by the single-qubit operator ``char``. """ if char not in VALID_OPS: raise ValueError('Generators cannot be selected outside I, X, Y, Z.') return len([op for op in self.op if op == char])
[docs] def ct(self): """ The conjugate transpose of this Pauli operator. :rtype: an instance of the :class:`qecc.Pauli` class. """ return Pauli(self.op,
[docs] def centralizer_gens(self, group_gens=None): r""" Returns the generators of the centralizer group :math:`\mathrm{C}(P)`, where :math:`P` is the Pauli operator represented by this instance. If ``group_gens`` is specified, :math:`\mathrm{C}(P)` is taken to be a subgroup of the group :math:`G = \langle G_1, \dots, G_k\rangle`, where :math:`G_i` is the :math:`i^{\text{th}}` element of ``group_gens``. :param group_gens: Either ``None`` or a list of generators :math:`G_i`. If not ``None``, the returned centralizer :math:`\mathrm{C}(P)` is a subgroup of the group :math:`\langle G_i \rangle_{i=1}^k`. :type group_gens: list of :class:`qecc.Pauli` instances :returns: A list of elements :math:`P_i` of the Pauli group such that :math:`\mathrm{C}(P) = \langle P_i \rangle_{i=1}^{n}`, where :math:`n` is the number of unique generators of the centralizer. """ if group_gens is None: Xs, Zs = elem_gens(len(self)) group_gens = Xs + Zs if not group_gens: # If group_gens is empty, it's false-y. return PauliList() if com(self, group_gens[0]) == 0: # That generator commutes, and so we pass it along # unmodified. return PauliList(group_gens[0], *self.centralizer_gens(group_gens[1:])) else: # That generator anticommutes, and so we must modify it by # multiplication with another anticommuting generator, if one # exists. found = False for idx in range(1, len(group_gens)): if com(self, group_gens[idx]) == 1: found = True g_prime = group_gens[idx] * group_gens[0] assert com(self, g_prime) == 0 return PauliList(g_prime, *self.centralizer_gens(group_gens[1:])) if not found: # Generator 0 anticommuted, and so we know two things # from our search: # - All other generators commute. # - The anticommuting generator (0) has no match, and must # be excluded. return PauliList(*group_gens[1:])
[docs] def hamming_dist(self, other): r""" Returns the Hamming distance between this and another Pauli operator, defined as :math:`d(P, Q) = \mathrm{wt}(PQ)`. """ return (self * other).wt
## MORE CONSTANTS ## I = Pauli('I') X = Pauli('X') Y = Pauli('Y') Z = Pauli('Z') ## FUNCTIONS ## def ensure_pauli(P): """ Given either a string or an instance of :class:`qecc.Pauli`, produces an instance of :class:`qecc.Pauli`. """ return P if isinstance(P, Pauli) or P is Unspecified else Pauli(P) # Stolen from itertools cookbook. def powerset(iterable): """ Sub-function, stolen from itertools cookbook. powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3) """ s = list(iterable) return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1)) def paulis_by_weight(nq, wt): """ Produces an iterator including all Pauli operators on ``nq`` qubits of weight ``wt``. :param int nq: The number of qubits on which the returned Paulis are to act. :param int wt: The weight of each returned Pauli. """ def error_by_idxs(idxs, err_string): return reduce(mul, starmap(elem_gen, list(zip([nq]*len(idxs), idxs, err_string)))) if wt == 0: return iter([eye_p(nq)]) elif wt == 1: return iter(elem_gen(nq, idx, kind) for kind in ['X', 'Y', 'Z'] for idx in range(nq)) else: return chain( paulis_by_weight(nq, wt - 1), (error_by_idxs(idxs, err_string) for err_string in product('XYZ', repeat=wt) for idxs in combinations(list(range(nq)), wt)) ) def restricted_pauli_group(qubits_tpl,nq): """ Outputs an iterator onto the Pauli group on the qubits specified in qubits_tpl, given the total number of qubits nq. """ return map(lambda pauli: embed(pauli,qubits_tpl,nq), pauli_group(len(qubits_tpl))) def embed(pauli,qubits_tpl,nq): """ Takes a Pauli, defined on as many qubits as are in qubits_tpl, and acts it on the register specified by qubits_tpl, within a register nq long. """ new_pauli_op='I'*nq for idx in range(len(qubits_tpl)): new_pauli_op = cc.replace_one_character(new_pauli_op, qubits_tpl[idx], pauli.op[idx]) return Pauli(new_pauli_op,new_pauli_ph)
[docs]def com(P, Q): r""" Given two elements *P* and *Q* of a Pauli group, returns 0 if :math:`[P, Q] = 0` and returns 1 if :math:`\{P, Q\} = 0`. :param P: Representation of :math:`P`. :type P: qecc.Pauli :param Q: Representation of :math:`Q`. :type Q: qecc.Pauli :returns: :math:`c(P, Q)`. :rtype: :obj:`int` """ ph1, ph2 = (P*Q).ph, (Q*P).ph return 0 if ph1 == ph2 else 1
[docs]def pauli_group(nq): """ Generates an iterator onto the Pauli group of :math:`n` qubits, where :math:`n` is given as the argument *nq*. :param nq: The number of qubits acted upon by the returned Pauli group. :type nq: int :returns: An iterator such that ``list(pauli_group(nq))`` produces a list of all possible Pauli operators on ``nq`` qubits. """ for op in product(VALID_OPS, repeat=nq): yield Pauli("".join(op), 0)
[docs]def from_generators(gens, coset_rep=None, incl_identity=True): """ Given a list of generators ``gens``, yields an iterator onto the group generated by products of elements from ``gens``. If ``coset_rep`` is specified, returns the coset of the group generated by ``gens`` represented by ``coset_rep``. """ if coset_rep is None: coset_rep = eye_p(len(gens[0])) for prod in powerset(gens): if len(prod)>0: yield reduce(lambda P, Q: P*Q, prod, coset_rep) elif incl_identity: yield coset_rep
# Ignore this element of the powerset if incl_identity is False.
[docs]def is_in_normalizer(pauli, stab): """ Given an element ``pauli`` of a Pauli group and the generators ``stab`` of a stabilizer group :math:`S`, returns True if and only if ``pauli`` is in the normalizer :math:`N(S)`. """ stab_group = from_generators(stab) com_vec = [com(pauli, stab_elem) for stab_elem in stab_group] return all([x == 0 for x in com_vec])
def elem_gen(nq, q, op): """ Produces a weight-one Pauli on a specific qubit ``q`` out of ``nq``. :param int nq: Number of qubits upon which the returned Pauli acts. :param int q: Index of the qubit upon which the returned Pauli acts non-trivially. :param str op: Either ``"I"``, ``"X"``, ``"Y"`` or ``"Z"``, indicating which generator to return. :returns: An ``nq``-qubit operator that acts as ``op`` on qubit ``q``, and that acts as identity on all other qubits. :rtype: qecc.Pauli """ if op in VALID_OPS: return Pauli('I'*q + op + 'I'*(nq-q-1)) else: raise ValueError('Generators cannot be selected outside I, X, Y, Z.')
[docs]def elem_gens(nq): """ Produces all weight-one :math:`X` and :math:`Z` operators on `nq` qubits. For example, >>> import qecc as q >>> Xgens, Zgens = q.elem_gens(2) >>> print Xgens[1] i^0 IX :param int nq: Number of qubits for each returned operator. :returns: a tuple of two lists, containing :math:`X` and :math:`Z` generators, respectively. """ return tuple(PauliList(*[elem_gen(nq,idx,P) for idx in range(nq)]) for P in ['X','Z'])
[docs]def eye_p(nq): """ Given a number of qubits, returns the identity Pauli on that many qubits. :param int nq: Number of qubits upon which the returned Pauli acts. :rtype: :class:`qecc.Pauli` :returns: A Pauli operator acting as the identity on each of ``nq`` qubits. """ return Pauli('I'*nq)
def ns_mod_s(*stab_gens): r""" Given the generators of a stabilizer group :math:`S`, returns an iterator that yields all elements of the set :math:`\text{N}(S)\\S`. :param qecc.Pauli stab_gens: Generators of :math:`S`. :returns: An iterator such that ``list(ns_mod_s(*stab_gens))`` contains each element of :math:`\text{N}(S)\\S`. """ nq = len(stab_gens[0]) return filter( pred.commutes_with(*stab_gens) & ~pred.in_group_generated_by(*stab_gens), pauli_group(nq) )
[docs]def mutually_commuting_sets(n_elems, n_bits=None, group_gens=None, exclude=None): r""" Yields an iterator onto tuples representing mutually commuting sets of ``n_elems`` independent Pauli operators, excluding the identity Pauli. :param int n_elems: The number of mutually commuting Pauli operators to include in each tuple. :param int n_bits: The number of qubits on which each Pauli operator considered by this iterator acts. If ``None``, defaults to the number of qubits on which the first element of ``group_gens`` acts. :param group_gens: The generators of the group in which to search for mutually commuting Pauli operators. Defaults to the elementary generators of the Pauli group on ``n_bits`` qubits. :type group_gens: ``None`` or a sequence of :class:`qecc.Pauli` instances :param exclude: If not ``None``, the iterator will omit from its search any operators in the group generated by ``exclude``. :type exclude: ``None`` or a sequence of :class:`qecc.Pauli` instances """ if n_elems == 0: yield () return if exclude is None: if n_bits is not None: exclude = [eye_p(n_bits)] else: if group_gens is not None and len(group_gens) > 0: exclude = [eye_p(len(group_gens[0]))] assert len(exclude) > 0 if group_gens is None and n_bits is None: raise ValueError('Either a generating set or a number of qubits must be specified.') if group_gens is None: group_gens = add(*elem_gens(n_bits)) assert len(group_gens) > 0 for P in filterfalse(lambda q: q.wt==0 or q in from_generators(exclude),from_generators(group_gens)): P = Pauli(P.op, phase=0) if n_elems==1: yield (P,) else: c_gens=P.centralizer_gens(group_gens) for S in mutually_commuting_sets(n_elems-1,group_gens=c_gens, exclude=exclude+[P]): yield (P,)+S
@u.deprecated("Deprecated; see PauliList.pad") def pad(setP, n_eb=0, lower_right=None): r""" Takes a set of :class:`qecc.Pauli` objects, and returns a new set, appending ``n_eb`` qubits, with stabilizer operators specified by ``lower_right``. :arg setP: list of Pauli operators to be padded. :param int n_eb: Number of extra bits to be appended to the system. :param lower_right: list of `qecc.Pauli` operators, acting on `n_eb` qubits. :rtype: list of :class:`qecc.Pauli` objects. Example: >>> import qecc as q >>> pauli_set=map(q.Pauli,['XXX','YIY','ZZI']) >>> q.pad(pauli_set,n_eb=2,lower_right=map(q.Pauli,['IX','ZI'])) [i^0 XXXII, i^0 YIYII, i^0 ZZIII, i^0 IIIIX, i^0 IIIZI] """ # Ensure that we have lists, and make a copy. setP= list(setP) len_P=len(setP) n_P=len(setP[0]) if n_eb == 0 and lower_right is None:# or len(lower_right)==0: return setP elif len(lower_right) != 0: n_eb=len(lower_right[0]) setout=[] for pauli in setP: setout.append(Pauli(pauli.op+'I'*n_eb)) if lower_right is None: for jj in n_eb: setout.append(eye_p(n_P+n_eb)) else: for opmo in lower_right: setout.append(eye_p(n_P)&opmo) return setout def clifford_bottoms(c_top): r""" This function yields the next set of nq paulis that mutually commute, and anti-commute with selected elements from c_top. The intent behind this function is to begin with a list of mutually commuting Paulis, and ifnd an associated set that share the same commutation relations as :math:`\left[ X_1,\ldots,X_n \range]` and :math:`\left[ Z_1,\ldots,Z_n \range]`. This allows the input and output of this function can be thought of as the :math:`X` and :math:`Z` outputs of a Clifford operator. :param c_top: list of :class:`qecc.Pauli` objects, which mutually commute. """ nq=len(c_top) possible_zs=[] for jj in range(nq): applicable_centralizer_gens=PauliList(*(c_top[:jj]+c_top[jj+1:])).centralizer_gens() possible_zs.append([a for a in from_generators(applicable_centralizer_gens) if com(a,c_top[jj])==1]) for possible_set in product(*possible_zs): if all(map(lambda twolist: pred.commutes_with(twolist[0])(twolist[1]),combinations(possible_set,2))): yield possible_set def remove_phase(pauli): return Pauli(pauli.op) ## MAIN ## if __name__ == "__main__": P = Pauli('XYZ', 0) Q = Pauli('YXI', 0) R = Pauli('XXI', 0) print(list(pauli_group(2))) print(list(from_generators([P, Q, R]))) print(is_in_normalizer(Pauli('ZZX', 0), [P, Q, R]))