Source code for qecc.bsf

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Implementation of binary symplectic form.
# © 2012 Christopher E. Granade ( and
#     Ben Criger (
# This file is a part of the QuaEC project.
# Licensed under the AGPL version 3.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


from sys import version_info
if version_info[0] == 3:
    PY3 = True
    from importlib import reload
elif version_info[0] == 2:
    PY3 = False
    raise EnvironmentError("sys.version_info refers to a version of "
        "Python neither 2 nor 3. This is not permitted. "
        "sys.version_info = {}".format(version_info))

import itertools
import string
from numpy import s_, array, nonzero, logical_xor, bitwise_xor, bitwise_not, logical_and, bitwise_and, logical_not, all, matrix, hstack, vstack, zeros, eye, dot, empty
from numpy.linalg import det
from qecc.singletons import EmptyClifford

if PY3:
    from .exceptions import *
    from .PauliClass import *
    from .CliffordClass import *
    from . import utils as u
    from . import bsf_decomp
    from . import circuit
    from exceptions import *
    from PauliClass import *
    from CliffordClass import *
    import utils as u
    import bsf_decomp
    import circuit

from functools import reduce

## ALL ##

__all__ = [
#    'bitstring_to_letterstring',
    'parity', 'bitwise_inner_product', 'all_pauli_bsvs', 'constrained_set',
    'commute', 'xz_switch',
    'is_bsm_valid', 'bsmzeros', 'array_to_pauli', 'directsum'



[docs]class BinarySymplecticVector(object): """ Encapsulates a binary symplectic vector representing an element of the Pauli group on :math:`n` qubits. A new :class:`BinarySymplecticVector` can be constructed using either a single NumPy array containing both the :math:`X` and :math:`Z` parts of the binary symplectic vector. Alternatively, a new vector can be instantiated using two NumPy arrays. For example, the following two invocations are equivalent: >>> import qecc >>> import numpy as np >>> bsv = qecc.BinarySymplecticVector(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])) >>> bsv = qecc.BinarySymplecticVector(np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 0])) The :obj:`len` of a :class:`BinarySymplecticVector` is defined as the number of qubits upon which the represented Pauli operator acts, and is thus half of the length of a single array containing the same data. """ def __init__(self,*args): if len(args) == 1: nq = int(len(args[0]) / 2) self._x = array(args[0][0:nq], dtype=int) self._z = array(args[0][nq:2*nq], dtype=int) elif len(args) == 2: xstring,zstring = args self._x=array(list(xstring), dtype='int') self._z=array(list(zstring), dtype='int') else: raise ValueError('Wrong number of args.') ## MAGIC METHODS ## def __len__(self): """Number of qubits on which ``self`` acts.""" return len(self._x) def __repr__(self): return "( {ex} | {zed} )".format(ex=" ".join(map(str, self._x)), zed=" ".join(map(str, self._z))) def __eq__(self,other): return all([a[0] == a[1] for a in zip(self._x+self._z, other._x + other._z)]) ## PROPERTIES ## @property def x(self): """ Array containing the :math:`X` part of the binary symplectic vector. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, shape ``(2 * nq, )``. >>> import qecc as q >>> q.BinarySymplecticVector([1,0,0,0,1,0]).x array([1, 0, 0]) """ return self._x @property def z(self): """ Array containing the :math:`Z` part of the binary symplectic vector. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, shape ``(nq, )``. >>> import qecc as q >>> q.BinarySymplecticVector([1,0,0,0,1,0]).z array([0, 1, 0]) """ return self._z ## OTHER METHODS ##
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns a copy of the binary symplectic vector such that mutations of the copy do not affect this instance. For more details, see the :meth:`numpy.ndarray.copy` method. """ return BinarySymplecticVector(self._x.copy(), self._z.copy())
[docs] def as_pauli(self): """ Returns an instance of :class:`qecc.Pauli` representing the same Pauli operator as this vector. Note that phase information is not preserved by the binary symplectic representation of the Pauli group, and so ``P.as_bsv().as_pauli()`` need not equal ``P``. >>> import qecc as q >>> pauli_with_phase=q.Pauli('IXXYZ',2) >>> pauli_with_phase.as_bsv().as_pauli() i^0 IXXYZ """ exes=bitstring_to_letterstring(self._x,'X') zeds=bitstring_to_letterstring(self._z,'Z') zedley=Pauli(zeds) exeley=Pauli(exes) assert type(zedley) is type(exeley) pauli=zedley*exeley return Pauli(pauli.op,0)
[docs] def bsip(self,other): r""" Returns the binary symplectic inner product :math:`u \odot v` of this vector with another vector. Letting :math:`u = (a | b)` and :math:`v = (c | d)`, :math:`u\odot v = a \cdot d + b \cdot c`. >>> import qecc as q >>> vector_a = q.BinarySymplecticVector([1,0,1],[0,1,1]) >>> vector_b = q.Pauli('YYZ').as_bsv() >>> vector_a.bsip(vector_b) 1 """ return int(not(commute(self,other)))
#FUNCTIONS FOR BSV CLASS def bitstring_to_letterstring(bitstring,letter): """Internal function, replaces all instances of 1 in ``bitstring`` with the letter in ``letter``. :param list bitstring: a list or tuple, whose entries are 0 or 1. :param letter: a string with a single entry :rtype: str >>> """ outstring='' for idx in range(len(bitstring)): if bitstring[idx]==0: outstring=outstring+('I') elif bitstring[idx]==1: outstring=outstring+(letter) return outstring
[docs]def parity(bitarray): """ :arg list bitarray: a list containing integers of value 0 or 1. :returns: True if bitarray is of odd parity, False if it is of even parity. :rtype: bool """ return reduce(logical_xor,bitarray)
def bitwise_inner_product(v1,v2): """ Internal function, returns the bitwise inner product of two bitstrings. The bitwise inner product is the sum (modulo 2) of the product of the elements. """ return parity(bitwise_and(v1,v2))
[docs]def all_pauli_bsvs(nq): r""" Lists all the Paulis on ``nq`` qubits according to their binary symplectic representations. :param int nq: Number of qubits. :returns: an iterator that yields the binary symplectic representations of each element of the Pauli group :math:`\mathcal{P}_n`. >>> list(all_pauli_bsvs(1)) [( 0 | 0 ), ( 0 | 1 ), ( 1 | 0 ), ( 1 | 1 )] """ for idx_x in itertools.product([0,1],repeat=nq): for idx_z in itertools.product([0,1],repeat=nq): yield(BinarySymplecticVector(idx_x,idx_z))
[docs]def constrained_set(pauli_array_input,logical_array_input): r""" Given a set of constraints of the form :math:`P_i \odot Q = b_i`, with each :math:`P_i` a Pauli operator and each :math:`b_i` a bit, yields an iterator onto Pauli operators :math:`Q` such that all constraints are satisfied. :type pauli_array_input: :obj:`list` of :class:`qecc.Pauli` instances. :param pauli_array_input: Constraint operators :math:`P_i`. :type logical_array_input: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of `dtype=int` and shape ``(len(pauli_array_input), )``. :param logical_array_input: Constraint values :math:`b_i`. >>> import qecc as q >>> list(q.constrained_set(map(lambda s: q.Pauli(s).as_bsv(), ['XY','ZZ']),[1,0])) [( 0 0 | 0 1 ), ( 0 0 | 1 0 ), ( 1 1 | 0 0 ), ( 1 1 | 1 1 )] """ nq=len(pauli_array_input[0].x) #output_array=[] logical_bookkeeping_array=[] for current_pauli in all_pauli_bsvs(nq): logical_bookkeeping_array = list(map(current_pauli.bsip, pauli_array_input)) if logical_bookkeeping_array == logical_array_input: # output_array.append(current_pauli) yield current_pauli
# return output_array
[docs]def commute(bsv1,bsv2): """ Returns True if bsv1 and bsv2 commute by evaluating the symplectic inner product. :rtype: bool """ return logical_not(logical_xor(bitwise_inner_product(bsv1.x,bsv2.z),bitwise_inner_product(bsv1.z,bsv2.x)))
[docs]def xz_switch(bsv): """ Given a :class:`qecc.BinarySymplecticVector`, returns a new vector whose :math:`X` and :math:`Z` parts have been swapped. """ return BinarySymplecticVector(bsv.z,bsv.x)
[docs]class BinarySymplecticMatrix(object): """ Encapsulates a binary symplectic matrix representing an element of the Clifford group on :math:`n` qubits. A new :class:`BinarySymplecticMatrix` can be constructed using either a single NumPy 2-D array containing the :math:`XX`, :math:`XZ`, :math:`ZX`, and :math:`ZZ` parts of the binary symplectic matrix. Alternatively, a new matrix can be instantiated using four NumPy arrays. For example, the following two invocations are equivalent: >>> import qecc >>> import numpy as np >>> bsm = qecc.BinarySymplecticMatrix(np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],[1, 1, 0, 0],[0, 0, 1, 1],[0, 0, 0, 1]])) >>> bsm = qecc.BinarySymplecticMatrix(np.array([[1, 0],[1, 1]]), np.array([[0, 0],[0, 0]]), np.array([[0, 0],[0, 0]]), np.array([[1, 1],[0, 1]])) """ def __init__(self,*args): if len(args)==4: self._arr=vstack((hstack((args[0],args[1])),hstack((args[2],args[3])))) elif len(args)==1: self._arr=args[0] else: raise ValueError("Either one or four arguments must be provided.") ## PROPERTIES ## @property def nq(self): """ Returns the number of qubits that the binary symplectic matrix acts upon. """ return int(len(self._arr) / 2) @property def xx(self): """ Returns the upper-left quadrant of a binary symplectic matrix. """ nq = self.nq return self._arr[0:nq,0:nq] @property def xz(self): """ Returns the upper-right quadrant of a binary symplectic matrix. """ nq = self.nq return self._arr[0:nq,nq:2*nq] @property def zx(self): """ Returns the lower-left quadrant of a binary symplectic matrix. """ nq = self.nq return self._arr[nq:2*nq,0:nq] @property def zz(self): """ Returns the lower-right quadrant of a binary symplectic matrix. """ nq = self.nq return self._arr[nq:2*nq,nq:2*nq] @property def xc(self): """ Returns the left half of a binary symplectic matrix. """ nq = self.nq return self._arr[:, 0:nq] @xc.setter def xc(self, newval): self._arr[:, 0:self.nq] = newval @property def zc(self): """ Returns the right half of a binary symplectic matrix. """ nq = self.nq return self._arr[:, nq:2*nq] @zc.setter def zc(self, newval): self._arr[:, self.nq:2*self.nq] = newval @property def xr(self): """ Returns the top half of a binary symplectic matrix. """ nq = self.nq return self._arr[0:nq, :] @xr.setter def xr(self, newval): self._arr[0:self.nq, :] = newval @property def zr(self): """ Returns the bottom half of a binary symplectic matrix. """ nq = self.nq return self._arr[nq:2*nq, :] @zr.setter def zr(self, newval): self._arr[self.nq:2*self.nq, :] = newval @xx.setter def xx(self, thing): nq = self.nq self._arr[0:nq,0:nq]=thing @xz.setter def xz(self, thing): nq = self.nq self._arr[0:nq,nq:2*nq]=thing @zx.setter def zx(self, thing): nq = self.nq self._arr[nq:2*nq,0:nq]=thing @zz.setter def zz(self, thing): nq = self.nq self._arr[nq:2*nq,nq:2*nq]=thing ## MAGIC METHODS ## def __getitem__(self, sliceobj): return self._arr.__getitem__(sliceobj) def __setitem__(self, sliceobj, val): self._arr.__setitem__(sliceobj, val) def __mul__(self,other): return BinarySymplecticMatrix(dot(self._arr, other._arr)%2) def __repr__(self): # TODO: We could make this a bit # fancier by putting lines between # the blocks, but that'd take a # silly amount of effort, so let's do # that later. return repr(self._arr) def __eq__(self, other): return all(self._arr == other._arr) def __and__(self, other): """ Returns the direct sum of this binary symplectic matrix with another matrix. Note that resulting binary symplectic matrix represents the tensor product of the two Clifford gates represented. """ attrs = ['xx', 'xz', 'zx', 'zz'] blocks = [] for att in attrs: blocks.append(directsum( getattr(self, att), getattr(other, att) )) return BinarySymplecticMatrix(*blocks) ## GATE METHODS ##
[docs] def left_H(self,j): r""" Multiplies on the left by a Hadamard gate on the :math:`j^{\text{th}}` qubit. This method acts in-place, as opposed to acting on a copy of the binary symplectic matrix. In order to preserve the original matrix, use the :meth:`copy` method: >>> new_bsm = bsm.copy().left_H(idx) # doctest: +SKIP """ u.array_swap(self.zr[j, :], self.xr[j, :]) return self
[docs] def right_H(self,j): r""" Multiplies on the right by a Hadamard gate on the :math:`j^{\text{th}}` qubit. See :meth:`left_H` for more details. """ u.array_swap(self.zc[:, j], self.xc[:, j]) return self
[docs] def right_H_all(self): r""" Multiplies on the right by a Hadamard gate on each qubit. See :meth:`left_H` for more details. """ u.array_swap(self.zc, self.xc) return self
[docs] def left_SWAP(self,j,k): r""" Multiplies on the left by a SWAP gate between the :math:`j^{\text{th}}` and :math:`k^{\text{th}}` qubits. This method acts in-place, as opposed to acting on a copy of the binary symplectic matrix. In order to preserve the original matrix, use the :meth:`copy` method: >>> new_bsm = bsm.copy().left_SWAP(j, k) # doctest: +SKIP """ u.array_swap(self.xr[j, :], self.xr[k, :]) u.array_swap(self.zr[j, :], self.zr[k, :]) return self
[docs] def right_SWAP(self,j,k): r""" Multiplies on the right by a SWAP gate between the :math:`j^{\text{th}}` and :math:`k^{\text{th}}` qubits. See :meth:`left_SWAP` for more details. """ u.array_swap(self.xc[:, j], self.xc[:, k]) u.array_swap(self.zc[:, j], self.zc[:, k]) return self
[docs] def left_CNOT(self, c, t): r""" Multiplies on the left by a CNOT gate controlled by the :math:`c^{\text{th}}` qubit and targeting the :math:`k^{\text{th}}` qubit. This method acts in-place, as opposed to acting on a copy of the binary symplectic matrix. In order to preserve the original matrix, use the :meth:`copy` method: >>> new_bsm = bsm.copy().left_CNOT(c, t) # doctest: +SKIP """ if c == t: raise ValueError("Control and target qubits cannot be the same.") self.xr[t, :] += self.xr[c, :] self.xr[t, :] %= 2 self.zr[c, :] += self.zr[t, :] self.zr[c, :] %= 2 return self
[docs] def right_CNOT(self, c, t): r""" Multiplies on the right by a CNOT gate controlled by the :math:`c^{\text{th}}` qubit and targeting the :math:`k^{\text{th}}` qubit. For more details, see :meth:`left_CNOT`. """ if c == t: raise ValueError("Control and target qubits cannot be the same.") self.xc[:, c] += self.xc[:, t] self.xc[:, c] %= 2 self.zc[:, t] += self.zc[:, c] self.zc[:, t] %= 2 return self
[docs] def left_R_pi4(self, i): r""" Multiplies on the left by an :math:`R_{\pi/4}` gate acting on the :math:`i^{\text{th}}` qubit. This method acts in-place, as opposed to acting on a copy of the binary symplectic matrix. In order to preserve the original matrix, use the :meth:`copy` method: >>> new_bsm = bsm.copy().left_R_pi4(c, t) # doctest: +SKIP """ self.zr[i, :] += self.xr[i, :] self.zr[i, :] %= 2 return self
[docs] def right_R_pi4(self, i): r""" Multiplies on the right by an :math:`R_{\pi/4}` gate acting on the :math:`i^{\text{th}}` qubit. For more details, see :meth:`left_R_pi4`. """ self.xc[:, i] += self.zc[:, i] self.xc[:, i] %= 2 return self
[docs] def left_CZ(self, c1, c2): r""" Multiplies on the left by an controlled-:math:`Z` gate acting between the :math:`c_1^{\text{th}}` and :math:`c_2^{\text{th}}` qubits. This method acts in-place, as opposed to acting on a copy of the binary symplectic matrix. In order to preserve the original matrix, use the :meth:`copy` method: >>> new_bsm = bsm.copy().left_CZ(c, t) # doctest: +SKIP """ if c1 == c2: raise ValueError("Control qubits cannot be the same.") self.zr[c2, :] += self.xr[c1, :] self.zr[c2, :] %= 2 self.zr[c1, :] += self.xr[c2, :] self.zr[c1, :] %= 2 return self
[docs] def right_CZ(self, c1, c2): r""" Multiplies on the right by an controlled-:math:`Z` gate acting between the :math:`c_1^{\text{th}}` and :math:`c_2^{\text{th}}` qubits. For more details, see :meth:`left_CZ`. """ if c1 == c2: raise ValueError("Control qubits cannot be the same.") self.xc[:, c2] += self.zc[:, c1] self.xc[:, c2] %= 2 self.xc[:, c1] += self.zc[:, c2] self.xc[:, c1] %= 2 return self
[docs] def inv(self, check_validity=True): """ Returns the inverse of this binary symplectic matrix, assuming that this matrix represents a valid Clifford gate. Note that if the matrix :math:`H` does not represent a valid Clifford, this method will return a matrix :math:`G` such that :math:`H G` is not the identity matrix. .. todo:: Cite that this inversion works due to the properties of symplectic matrix groups. :param bool check_validity: If ``True``, then the matrix is first checked to ensure that it is a valid Clifford. :raises: :class:`qecc.InvalidCliffordError` if ``check_validity`` is ``True`` and the binary symplectic matrix being inverted does not represent a valid Clifford group element. """ if check_validity and not self.is_valid(): raise InvalidCliffordError('Matrix cannot be inverted.') return BinarySymplecticMatrix(self.zz.T,self.xz.T,self.zx.T,self.xx.T)
[docs] def as_clifford(self, check_validity=True): """ Converts this binary symplectic matrix into a Clifford representation. :param bool check_validity: If ``True``, then the matrix is first checked to ensure that it is a valid Clifford. :rtype: :class:`qecc.Clifford` :returns: The same gate as this binary symplectic matrix, represented as an instance of :class:`qecc.Clifford`. """ if check_validity and not self.is_valid(): raise InvalidCliffordError('Matrix cannot be converted.') return Clifford(list(map(array_to_pauli,self.xc.T)),list(map(array_to_pauli,self.zc.T)))
[docs] def is_valid(self): """ Checks the satisfaction of the symplectic condition on a :class:`qecc.BinarySymplecticMatrix` object. """ xrows = list(map(BinarySymplecticVector, self.xc.T)) zrows = list(map(BinarySymplecticVector, self.zc.T)) for idx_j in range(len(xrows)): for idx_k in range(len(zrows)): if xrows[idx_j].bsip(zrows[idx_k]) != (idx_j == idx_k): return False elif xrows[idx_j].bsip(xrows[idx_k]) != 0: return False elif zrows[idx_j].bsip(zrows[idx_k]) != 0: return False return True
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns a copy of this binary symplectic matrix, pointing to a distinct location in memory. """ return BinarySymplecticMatrix(self._arr.copy())
[docs] def circuit_decomposition(self, validate=True): """ Decomposes the binary symplectic matrix using the algorithm of [AG04]_. .. todo:: Complete docstring. """ # The circuit decomposition algorithm is long enough that it was moved # into another module, bsf_decomp. left, right = bsf_decomp.circuit_decomposition_part1(self.copy()) circ = circuit.Circuit(*(right + list(reversed(left)))) if validate: if all(self._arr == eye(self.nq * 2)): assert circ.as_clifford() is EmptyClifford, "Decomposition of an empty circuit did not produce an empty Clifford." else: assert all(circ.as_clifford().as_bsm()._arr == self._arr), "Decomposition failed to produce desired BSM." return circ
[docs]@u.deprecated("Please use the is_valid() method of BinarySymplecticMatrix instead.") def is_bsm_valid(input_bsm): return input_bsm.is_valid()
[docs]def bsmzeros(nq): """ Returns a binary symplectic matrix on :math:`n` qubits, initialized to all zeros. :param int nq: Number of qubits that the created matrix will act upon. :returns: A binary symplectic matrix containing all zeros. :rtype: BinarySymplecticMatrix """ return BinarySymplecticMatrix( zeros((2 * (nq),) * 2, dtype=int))
[docs]def array_to_pauli(bsv_array): """ Function wrapper for type conversion from binary symplectic vector to :class:`qecc.Pauli`. See :meth:`qecc.BinarySymplecticVector.as_pauli`. """ return BinarySymplecticVector(bsv_array).as_pauli()
[docs]def directsum(A, B): r""" Given two matrices :math:`A` and :math:`B` with two indices each, returns the direct sum :math:`A \oplus B`. :type A: ndarray, shape (sA[0], sA[1]) :type B: ndarray, shape (sB[0], sB[1]) :rtype: ndarray, shape (sA[0] + sB[0], sA[1] + sB[1]) :returns: :math:`A \oplus B` """ sA = A.shape sB = B.shape return hstack([ vstack([A, zeros((sB[0], sA[1]))]), vstack([zeros((sA[0], sB[1])), B]) ])
## EXAMPLE USAGE ## if __name__ == "__main__": bsf_P = Pauli('XYZ').as_bsv() print(bsf_P) # Should print: # ( 1 1 0 | 0 1 1 ) print(bsf_P.x.astype('int')) # array([1, 1, 0]) bsf_cnot = cnot_gt(2, 0, 1).as_bsm() print(bsf_cnot) # ( 1 1 | 0 0 # 0 1 | 0 0 # ----+---- # 0 0 | 1 1 # 0 0 | 0 1 ) print(int(bsf_cnot.xx[0,1])) # 1